I have always believe that quality comes with quantity. Tons of people spend their entire lives trying to make one perfect thing, and end up making nothing. Ray Bradbury always said it's better to write garbage than to write nothing at all. And even if everything you make isn't your best, you're practicing and learning. I say make as many games as you can. Don't slack, work hard, but don't fuss over every tiny detail. Nothing is perfect, yet practice makes it. Keep it up! I love seeing more rpg style games! Rock on!
ever heard of 'quality over quantity'? I think you should take more time to polish your games instead of working on 5 different projects at once
Most of these have been in the works for months. Ender Story in particular has been going on for about nine months now, the only art that I've really done for it lately except for a menu change or two has been polishing. My intention after these games get released is to only really do work on the sequels to two of them while I do some work on animation and non-pixel stuff.
I do appreciate that quality is a must over quantity, but I don't feel like I've sacrificed quality. They're all games that I'm proud of and everything I make is something that helps me improve both in terms of writing, graphics and game design. There was another game that I was making a few months ago that wasn't great in terms of quality or what it had to offer so it ended up scrapped.