I see that you are going for a zelda-themed idea, which is great. I also think the pets are a good idea, so we can experiment with their abilities. My questions are as follows:
1. What are the mini-games gonna look like? Are they memory based? time based? racing based? you didn't mention much about that.
2.I see there will be chests in there. Are there going to be secret areas on here that you will add? Will we have to make a walkthrough for this, or are you going to be making it for us?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, and I can't wait to try this game.
a non randomised one for free is a fine idea, all of this is pretty good ideas!
Thanks for the support! If I release a free one, I wouldn't want it to be a demo that cuts short before the end so having it be preset is probably the best option.