My first game is almost here, it's an RPG called "JUGGERNAUT: Awakening" and it's been in the works for almost six months. I'm the writer and artist for the project and I've been fortunate enough to find a very skilled coder and a very talented musician to work with.
I would say the game is over 90% done, there's not a lot left to do. The main features left are saving, loading and four cut scenes. I'll probably need to make a few adjustments to a couple enemy stats to keep the battles balanced, but for the majority of enemies it isn't a problem. After the main features are put in place, it'll be time to get the game into testing which will take maybe a week. The game isn't particularly buggy so that's probably an overestimation but I don't want to set a release date and not be able to follow through. I will say that I'm pretty confident that it'll be released in March at some point.
In other news, I've been looking into starting another series and have been trying to find a coder to work with. I'll once again be writing and doing the art for this project. You know how I love my RPGs so it'll be another RPG project but I don't want to stick to the same formula as the JUGGERNAUT series so there'll be a fair number of differences. I've got all of the characters designed, all of the maps designed, all of the items designed and a couple of the menus designed so progress is good. I still need to do a few more menus, enemies and battle backgrounds. Some of my "completed" sections might need a few more additions as the game progresses of course.
So yeah, I'm looking for a coder to work with for this. If any happen to read this and have AS3 experience, drop me a message and I'll get back to you.
Until next time!
EDIT - Coder found, psyched!