Wow, first time using the new comment system and it's very unlike what I'm used to. I have to say though, it's a definite positive change though! Time for my usual, weekl...semi-regular update about my games, movies, art, etc.
Prepare for a long post complete with screenshots from each of the projects. If you want to pretend you read it, skip to my summary paragraph at the bottom and leave a comment about that instead.
I'm pretty happy to say that we're getting ever more close to being finished. I keep overestimating when we might release the game, but rest assured, it'll not be too much longer. We're polishing off enemy techniques in battles as well as making sure all of the cut scenes are done and the menus are complete. Once we've finished that we only have a few things left to tackle: saving/loading, balancing battles, crafting and adding in the voice acting. After that we'll largely be done, we'll only have a few more of the minor things to add and polish up before starting our proper testing phase.
Ender Story: Chapter 1
After slowing down considerably for a while, we're back working on some of the final things that we need to finish the game. The cut scenes are finished, battling is finished, etc. All we need to do is add the quest menu, abilities menu, proper saving/loading systems, an item bank for transferring items to later chapters and...I think that's it actually? After that we'll be balancing combat and then doing the testing and polishing before beginning the sponsor hunt.
This is the game that's been in development for the longest time, we're probably hitting about nine months now. It really has taken longer than I thought it would, but as it's the first game in the series and the engine will be used for each of the subsequent games, I'm not too bothered. As long as the game is good and good free, I'm happy.
Quick Quest
Quick Quest is basically finished now. We uploaded the game to FGL and got feedback from one of the moderators there, all we need to do now is polish the game up a bit and we'll be good to start the sponsor hunt for real. It shouldn't take us much longer than a week, to get the game done. We'd love to have it finished for Christmas though and hopefully a release date of late January, early February.
It was always meant to be a quick, fun game and I think it is. It's not taken us all that long to make and it's been pretty smooth sailing throughout. It's also the first game that I've made that Matt hasn't done the music for and it was interesting to see what a different musician could come up with for it. We've been lucky to work with the very talented LloydeSorrow who did an amazing job in such a short time.
Mega Galaxy Force
The game was moving along incredibly quickly, but unfortunately, it's now going to be a bit slower due to unavoidable work commitments. We're still going to be making the game and I've got almost half of the levels finished as well as the ideas behind the three different modes finished. All I really have left to do from an art perspective is the second half of the levels, some introductory menu work as well as most of the sprites for the final boss.
Once there's some free time, we'll get the game largely finished. Hopefully Newgrounds will have Unity support by the time that the game is released otherwise we might not see a release on this site. I know that Unity support was in the plans, but I haven't really heard much about it recently so we'll have to see.
Mega Galaxy Force - Episode 1
"But VoidForce, you've already talked about Mega Galaxy Force!"
No, no, I'm talking about the animation series now. To go along with the game, I'm making an animation series following the events leading up to the game with the game being the culmination of the story. It allows the characters to have some crazy adventures not solely set on the spaceship of their main enemy as well as allowing a few supporting characters to have a bit more characterisation.
There are eight roles to fill in the first episode (of an intended three) and I've recorded the voices for four of them (Galactic Blue, the Space Goons, Neogeoleonoid and Admiral Varack). I'd really like to get involved in more voice work so I decided to go ahead and record them. I think they turned out pretty good, but hopefully I'm not the only one who thinks so. I'm currently casting the other four roles (Galactic Red, Green, Yellow and Pink) and casting is ending in a few days. A lot of amazing talents have auditioned so far and I could easily fill the roles already so I can't wait to see how this all turns out.
Project release date for the first episode? As much as I love giving these, they're always completely wrong, so I'll say that I hope the first episode is out within three months.
So now that I've sufficiently bored everybody to death with project news, I'll probably not give another big update for another month or so. I'll keep most of my small updates to my Twitter page which should be linked on my main Newgrounds page. If I've got anything else that's bigger than a Twitter post or two, I'll probably post it here, but not front page it.
Anyway, the summary paragrpah that I promised up there. JUGGERNAUT II is nearly finished, Ender Story: Chapter 1 is nearly finished, Quick Quest pretty much IS finished, Mega Galaxy Force (game) is about half finished and will be a bit delayed and Mega Galaxy Force (series) is almost finished casting.
Wow, this really was a long post.
Edit: Oh yeah, the cat part of the title. I drew my cat and my sister's cats as ninja cyborgs, check them out in my art section!
ever heard of 'quality over quantity'? I think you should take more time to polish your games instead of working on 5 different projects at once
Most of these have been in the works for months. Ender Story in particular has been going on for about nine months now, the only art that I've really done for it lately except for a menu change or two has been polishing. My intention after these games get released is to only really do work on the sequels to two of them while I do some work on animation and non-pixel stuff.
I do appreciate that quality is a must over quantity, but I don't feel like I've sacrificed quality. They're all games that I'm proud of and everything I make is something that helps me improve both in terms of writing, graphics and game design. There was another game that I was making a few months ago that wasn't great in terms of quality or what it had to offer so it ended up scrapped.