Me and Nick have been working hard on Enki Adventures lately and I'm very happy with the direction that we've been heading. We still have a long way to go, but we're making nice progress for sure. One of the biggest changes we've made is changing from a resolution of 4:3 to 16:9 so that the game fits most monitors when the game is fullscreened. You can see the new resolution here:
Another big thing that's happened is that the borders of the maps have been fixed up to be basically how they'll be in the final game. That includes the use of the bigger trees and mirroring each other on linked maps. That means that if you transition from one area to another, the gaps will be mirrored when you enter the next map so you don't end up getting forced into a tree.
You'll also probably noticed that we've got a basic combat system in here alongside your health bar. In the current version, the only thing that you can fight are the applebugs, but we're working on implementing some of the other enemies that have already been designed too. The deader (basically a wandering zombie) is probably next along with the other fruitbugs (plumbug and pearbug) which are more powerful versions of the applebug, meaning they'll be able to deal more damage and withstand more hits, possibly be quicker.
From an art perspective, most of what I've been doing lately is creating new items and bosses. Here's a quick sample of some of the bosses that you'll fight:
L-R: Ghuul, Mertons, Clemps, Horsey, Maulerus and The Accuser.
I'll not go into detail on how these bosses will be fought, but their patterns won't be 100% consistent each time you fight them. You can memorise their attacks, but you won't be able to predict when they'll use each of them. These aren't all of the bosses in the game, I'm aiming for there to be 12 bosses in total, but that's subject to change. Some may even be cut and others added in their place, we'll see! I like how these ones have turned out so far, so expect them to appear.
Something that has been finalised quite recently is the playable character roster. There are going to be 10 characters in total:
L-R: Kon, Tehrok, Junior, Lucia, Moon, Orzor, Greybane, Geonar, The Salesman and Incarnate
The characters are going to largely have the same range of customisation (with a few exceptions), but their starting stats and equipment will vary wildly. Kon will start with average stats as well as a sword and bombs, but Geonar will start out with high health and 3 varying magic spells to attack with. Kon is the only character which will be unlocked from the start, but I'm toying with the idea of making Tehrok and Junior usable from the beginning too.
Any particular character design appeal to anybody so far? If so, leave me a comment and let me know. If you have any thoughts in general on the project, go ahead and comment anyway!
Now I could be wrong here, but I am assuming this game is heavily inspired by the older top-down view Zelda games?
That's already enough to get my attention though, will this game feature a level/quest designer of some sort?
It very much is, the gameplay is heavily based on them.
No, it won't, but the game will be a roguelike so the world that generates will be different every time. The chests will have different rewards, the bosses will be in random orders (some may not appear at all during some runs), etc.
The game will have an adventure mode which allows you to have checkpoints and respawn at the last dungeon you cleared or at the entrance of the dungeon if you died in one. There'll also be a hardcore mode which features a permanent death and no checkpoints.