So there have been a few boss designs that I toyed around with over the past year or so. I’ve actually scrapped a few and some never got past basic concepts. Now that I’ve got a roster I’m fairly happy with, I want to actually talk about a couple that I’m near certain will make it into the final game.
Mertons - Sindor’s Mistake
Mertons is actually the second boss I designed for the game and I’m still pleased with how it turned out. He’s a mixture of a couple of concepts, the ogre race of the game served as the basis for him in terms of the pig theme and also the classic phrase “when pigs fly”. Silly? Yes, but I think it’s effective. In-game, he’s a the lingering remains of an early attempt at the god, Sindor, trying to create the race that would eventually become Ogres. His entire battle mechanics are based off of staying away from the player and spitting out waves of bombs in their direction.
Ghuul - Spectral Library Deserter
Ghuul is the first boss designed for the game, you can probably guess because of how simple he is. I still like the colouring of him and the whole floating eye/beholder trope is something I’ve always liked so I decided to do my own take on it. He’s a demon who deserted the mysterious realm of the Spectral Library and has taken up working for the Accuser. He’s very skilled with magic so expect him to have a few spells to toss at you, make sure you can dodge and defend well.
Clemps - Demonic Titan Head
Clemps is a demonic titan whose head was severed and later reanimated. Is he still aware or is he an animated husk? Who knows? I know I don’t. His whole battle deal is that he chases you around and tries to clamp down on you using his separated jaw. His weak spot? I’ve heard that his eyes hang very loosely in his skull and sometimes become dislodged.
Oganoros - Fire Demon Lord
Oganoros is one of the five elemental demon lords (to be addressed later so I don’t go on for too long) that you can encounter in the dungeons across Horru Island. He’s made a deal to protect one of the Accuser’s keys to his castle in exchange for sharing his own secrets of fire magic with him. A fire demon lord? Yeah, that means expect a lot of fire spells to be thrown about. A lot of dodging required for this guy.
That’s it for now, but I’d like to do another post showing off the rest of the demon lords so maybe that’ll be my next post. I’m not sure what people want to hear about most, whether that’s design inspirations, battle mechanics or their in-game stories so I touched minorly on most of those parts. I may also do a dedicated post in the future going through the full mechanics of a boss and how to fight them once we get one implemented fully.
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