Game developer known for my RPG Tale of Enki: Pilgrimage and my horror series Azurael's Circle.

Age 33, Male

United Kingdom

Joined on 12/18/12

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Tale of Enki - Update!

Posted by TheEnkian - May 22nd, 2017

If you haven't done so already, go check out MSGhero's blog post about Enki Adventures progress! We're finally on the move again and you'll see a lot more about that project as we go forward. A demo too, perhaps?

It always feels like I made my last blog post only a couple of weeks ago, turns out it's been almost five. Woah. Time for an update then, folks!

I've been working away steadily at Tale of Enki: Pilgrimage alongside the programmer for the project, Howard Ross. We have the goal of releasing the demo for the game at some point in June. If we aren't finished refining the battle system and some of the quests, that may end up being July. Our progress has been very good from the start up until now. Here's a list of things we've implemented so far outside of the more obvious walking and map transitions:

  • Treasure chests: You can interact with treasure chests which will open them and award you the contents. Most of them have placeholder items at the moment, but they're all functional and go into your inventory.


  • Dialogue/Character portraits: It's probably obvious from above that we have dialogue working, but we've also got the character protraits for the characters that have them implemented too. This covers all of the party members in the game with the possibliity of mroe later. Depends if they're worthy or not...


  • Following party members: If you have a party member in your team, they'll follow you. It's not entirely aesthetic too, it also causes a slight difficulty increase with each party member that joins you. They'll serve as targets for enemies on the overworld so it isn't just Gargan (the lead) that causes a battle to occur upon colliding with an enemy.


  • Status menu: The status menu is largely implemented now too. We have a few additions to make to it as you can see to the right side of the image below. There are also a few alignment issues to sort out, but it's functional and you can scroll between characters to see their key stats.


  • Party menu: You can reorganise your battle team how you see fit. Want a power heavy force? Use Gargan, Rook and Twostone. Want a more agile party? Drusilla, Ka-gu and Peachy? Magic-focused party? Then you'll go with Drusilla, Twostone and Ka-gu.


  • Equipment menu: Separate, but similar, to the status menu is the equipment menu. Here you can give your party members up to three weapons (including spells) at a time each, an outfit/armour and two accessories. Having three weapons at a time allows a lot more flexibility in that you can bring multiple elemental weapons in at a time to cover the weaknesses of different enemies with just a single character.


We have a few other things in like the 5 zones that'll be featured in the demo, all of the NPCs placed, etc. This just gives a lot more detail in a few of the more specific features. Hopefully that shows off how much we've got done in just over two months. The quickest development of any of my RPGs so far. With any luck, we'll have the full game ready for release in early Autumn.

Once we get the demo out, the most complex task we have is implementing the future quests. Our goal is to release the game on Steam, Itch.io and a few other distribution platforms. The demo will be released for free on some of those platforms and I'd also like to have it here on Newgrounds if we can export it in a compatible format.

If you want a lot of updates as they come, the best place is to follow the @EnkianGames Twitter. I'll do more detailed blog posts like this as we go, hopefully at least one per month, but I've said that before, haha.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


Your effort and teamwork is admirable.

Thanks very much :)